Not such a long time ago in a galaxy not so far away.....
It was a time of innovation in the galaxy and last spring my
daughter Brandi had returned from one of her tattoo conventions
having won multiple awards. She was reminiscing about her adventures
with us when she started to tell of an artist who had a toy capsule vending machine
that he had stocked with tattoo flash art. The premise was that you could pay a set price
for a token to get a random tattoo out of the machine that was valued above the cost you paid
for the token but the catch was that you didn't get to choose what it was. You had the option to get
it done smaller but to have it done larger than the flash would add to the cost of the tattoo.

This intrigued me so I asked her if there were a lot of people
that would pay for a random tattoo. She said that I would be surprised
at just how many people walk in to the shop to get tattoos but when faced with
all of the choices they can't make up their minds on what to get. So this would be a
fun way to break the ice so to speak. She said that she was thinking of getting one to use
for her Star Wars days events that she holds around the opening day of a new movie and on
May the 4th.

I thought this would make a good birthday present so
I checked on pricing for a new machine and found they were
running around $149 + shipping so I started keeping my eye out for
a machine on Ebay as they were about half that price. I found a New, Open
Box, Black, 25 inch unit that vended 2" acorn capsules. It came in and was in
excellent shape. Brandi was going to be visiting around her birthday so everything
was working out. As you know that is usually about the time everything falls apart.

Brandi was going to be guest spotting in Mississippi
over her birthday and her plan was to stop by our house on
either the way down or on the way back home. Her husband
Albert is in the military and the military had other plans. Because of
a mission they needed Albert to participate in, Brandi's time table would
not allow the stop at our house. So I told her that since she wasn't going to be
here for her birthday that I would tell her what her present was so she would not  buy
one herself.
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